Shandong Hairuite New Materials Co., Ltd.
Shandong Hairuite New Materials Co., Ltd.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) anti-shrinkage strength agents are specialized additives designed to minimize shrinkage and enhance the mechanical strength of PVC products during and after processing. These agents are particularly important in applications where dimensional stability and mechanical integrity are critical.

Types of PVC Anti-Shrinkage Strength Agent

Types of PVC Anti-Shrinkage Strength Agent

Functions of PVC Anti-Shrinkage Strength Agents

Functions of PVC Anti-Shrinkage Strength Agents

1. Minimizing Shrinkage

Dimensional Stability

  • Function: Anti-shrinkage strength agents help maintain the dimensions of PVC products during and after processing. They reduce the risk of warping, deformation, and shrinkage, ensuring that the final product retains its intended shape and size.

  • Mechanism: These agents work by promoting uniform cooling and solidification of the PVC melt, preventing localized shrinkage and ensuring consistent product dimensions.

Uniform Cooling

  • Function: They facilitate uniform cooling of the PVC material, which is crucial for preventing differential shrinkage that can lead to warping and other dimensional inconsistencies.

  • Mechanism: By improving the thermal conductivity and heat dissipation properties of the PVC melt, these agents ensure that the material cools evenly.

2. Enhancing Mechanical Strength

Tensile Strength

  • Function: Anti-shrinkage strength agents improve the tensile strength of PVC products, making them more resistant to stretching and breaking under tensile loads.

  • Mechanism: These agents enhance the molecular interactions within the PVC matrix, leading to stronger intermolecular bonds and improved tensile properties.

Impact Resistance

  • Function: They enhance the impact resistance of PVC, making the material more durable and less prone to cracking or breaking under sudden impacts or stress.

  • Mechanism: By improving the energy absorption capacity of the PVC material, these agents help dissipate impact energy more effectively, reducing the likelihood of fractures.

Flexural Strength

  • Function: Anti-shrinkage strength agents improve the flexural strength of PVC, enhancing its ability to withstand bending forces without breaking.

  • Mechanism: These agents reinforce the PVC matrix, making it more resistant to bending and flexural stresses.

Contact Hairuite for More PVC Additives
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